My Big idea piece was to create a self portrait out of my handwriting and I must say that I enjoyed doing it, at first it was difficult to come up with what to say but then I just started writing what came to mind, how I felt and it ended up being like my own personal journal. I purposefully made the writing to where you can't read what I've written since some things are very personal to me and then others are just thoughts about people that I dont want them to read. Creating the shadows was sort of a challenge because I didn't want to und up going to dark and just ruining some parts but I think I achieved it. The critique was ok, I kind of wished I had gotten some more feedback on what I needed to improve on, for example like wether or not I needed to put in a background, but really I think it went well. I personally enjoyed it and I think thats all that matters sometimes.
The Finished Big Idea |
The beginning |