This is an important photo to me because to me family is very important and when we all get together we this is pretty much how we act. One day my cousins, aunt and my mom and I were all in the bathroom and we started to discuss why some people take bathroom photos and how we think it is ignorant sometimes so we decided to create this awesome shot with all of us doing something retarded. I love this photo because I love the fact that I can have a great time with my family and all we have to do is act ourselves. I will definitely be remembering this photo in 10 years and I hope we get many more like this in years to come.

This was a very special moment for me, this is me and Jason on my 22nd birthday and I have never had someone I care about celebrate my birthday with my family and I and it really meant alot to me. My mom had the camera and was taking photos of the whole thing where the El Chico staff made me stand on a chair and wear the funny sombrero while everyone in the restaurant including my mom, dad, Logan and Jason all sang happy birthday. I know that some people get all excited over big stuff but to me its the little things that make me the happiest at times, and this little celebration I will always remember especially when my brother asked if I was gonna eat the rest of my sopapillia!

So I absolutely adore this time of pinup photos because they are suggestive but dont go all the way to showing everything. I dont personally know the photographer, all I know of them is that they have a facebook page that shows all their work and I love to view their pictures. I dont know the girl in the picture either but I do love this picture and if I were to do a photo shoot I would do pictures similar to this.